MBA Programs in Social Work

Business administration studies in social work. Social work is an area of intense policy adjustment for both developing countries and competitive world economies. MBA programs and executive masters are designed to study the experiences of socially-vulnerable people and develop solutions for overcoming social inequality. New entrepreneurial approaches and business plans that are flexible and easy to implement in the challenged structures of the society are grounded in the business administration studies in social work. Choose an MBA program or an executive master in social work that will help you develop new business strategies for overcoming social challenges on international grounds. The practical research curricula and the policy recommendations made by experts in the field will transform your learning experience into an active commitment to solving world's most crucial problems.
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More about MBA Programs in Social Work

Social Work Policy and Practice

Global agreementThe sources of social problems investigated from the business perspective, the social policy implementation and the macro-design of national welfare systems are some of the main directions that the business administration studies in the field follow. Social work with immediate policy intervention at the national and the global level are of interest for entrepreneurs and business experts that want to make a difference on the markets affected by disruptive social change.

Problems of the national economies channel the energy of specialists at the level of governance and at the business level, thus requiring specific intervention in agreement with national legislation, the available resources, the local competition and the concerned groups. A business remedy to the social problems that would restore the market, the living conditions of the people and the long-term development of the country are approached from an empirical perspective.

MBA Programs Overview

MBA programs in social work focus on general management training, while developing intensive expertise and field applications to the areas affected by social change. The main curriculum of the social work MBAs includes courses in management, leadership mentoring, decision-making, risk-awareness etc. A broad catalog of elective courses is made available to all candidates who want to get a more in-depth academic approach to their professional area of expertise. Typically, the MBA programs in social work are offered at full-time learning pace, with flexible options for study abroad.

Field work, internships, participation to policy-making think tanks and conferences represent the practical component of the MBA programs in social work. The international applications of the programs in social work prepare the candidates for immediate interventions and gives them the academic recognition from one or more institutions to become an authoritative figure in the field. The Master of Social Work (MSW) degrees are an alternative option to the business administration studies that are addressed to graduate students interested in theoretical developments and sociological research in the field.

Executive Education

Social policy recommendations and practical input into social work projects around the globe attract business leaders into executive education. Executive masters in social work are offered as flexible learning, typically as part-time study, which allows the candidates to pursue their careers in parallel. The academic acknowledgement that comes with an executive MBA in social work allows the business leaders to participate in the social policy implementation phase alongside international institutions. More specific work fields that can benefit from their expertise are healthcare policy-making, welfare policies, reforms in education and learning.