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Modular MBA in Entrepreneurship in New Zealand or Singapore - Forum

6/9/2014 1:51 PM   Titus Ong

Hi, I am looking for a general MBA in Entrepreneurship, modular in nature, that helps with appreciating and defining the potential of business, and practical application of marketing and finance. A good practical school and cost effective budget is the best, in New Zealand or Singapore Please advise.

RE: Modular MBA in Entrepreneurship in New Zealand or Singapore
6/10/2014 8:18 AM   SearchMBA

Hi Titus,

Thanks for enquiring. While many of our current programs are listed in Europe, here are some options in Singapore and surrounding areas:

Nanyang Business School

UCLA Anderson School of Management

The University of Nottingham also has a campus in Singapore, which is available to MBA students.

Best of luck,


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