What is the difference between Global MBA and International MBA? - Forum
10/16/2012 11:49 AM
Hi everyone, I'm considering which MBA to take - and i'm interested in international aspects of MBAs - but what is the difference between a Global MBA and an International MBA? Any ideas? Ron
RE: What is the difference between Global MBA and International MBA?
10/19/2012 1:26 PM
The SearchMBA team
Hi Ronaldo,
Although separate definitions of the two types of programs aren't universal, it is usually the case that the Global MBA programs are named after the topics covered in the management curriculum - namely, global Economics, global Finances, theories of Globalization etc. International MBAs are named after the institutional component of the programs, which are typically collaborations between universities from different countries where candidates will study. Alternatively 'Global' MBAs may refer to a dynamic curriculum that allows students to travel and study on several continents.
RE: What is the difference between Global MBA and International MBA?
12/6/2012 3:30 PM
Hi Ron, If you want to know more about MBAs, I invite you to have a look on MBA-Time website, the most prestigious Busisness Schools will be online to answer all your questions ! You can already read our MBA Guide, Enjoy! MBA-Time tream