If you already got accepted into an MBA program, or you just started applying, you have probably considered career opportunities emerging after graduation. You may already have a dream-employer in mind, or dream of a job that would pay off – both financially and emotionally – what you invested in your education. You are aware of your qualities, have done plenty of SWAT analyses for your career prospects or wannabe-employers – and you intensively searched what is there to apply to.
A recent CNN money report (source: http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2012/pf/jobs/1205/gallery.top-MBA-employers/index.html ) ranks the top 15 MBA employers in the United States, based on their recruitment policies and the development opportunities offered to their new crop of employees. Academic achievements and the prestige of the education institution weigh hard into the employment opportunities, but an even more crucial role is played by prior practical experience with the employer.