Crossroads - Forum

9/3/2014 3:30 PM   prefer not to say
I just lost my job, Trying to see this as a good thing and finally create my own company as I always wanted. Any thoughts?

RE: Crossroads
9/5/2014 1:50 PM   matt
Sorry to hear that. What's your company idea?

RE: Crossroads
9/9/2014 10:06 AM   prefer not to say
Haven't really formulated a plan yet, but I was thinking of starting my own consulting firm. I've worked in the hospitality industry for many years and I'm thinking that with some insight into management and business, I can advise restaurants on how to do better.

RE: Crossroads
9/17/2014 3:15 PM   matt
Good luck with that - it's a cut throat industry. Hopefully an MBA will help with that. Just don't give up!

RE: Crossroads
4/22/2015 1:02 PM   sanjay
I suggest you just write down on paper about your genuine strengths and weaknesses, honestly.
Then think whether you can build on your strength. Build a LinkedIn profile. Try for one, single potential client and try to get business from him, business of consulting in restaurants. Evaluate after a month what you have achieved. Then get back to the Forum. Best of Luck.

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