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An engineer wants an MBA - Forum

11/3/2014 1:06 PM   An engineer wants an MBA
I would like to do an MBA, but an lost as to what type I should do. I am currently working as an engineer in a mid-size tech firm. Guidance would be much appreciated.

RE: An engineer wants an MBA
11/4/2014 10:55 AM   SearchMBA


It is actually quite common that engineers move into leadership roles or entrepreneurship via the MBA route. MBAs in Technology Management have been designed specifically for engineers wishing to remain in the tech field, otherwise, MBAs in General Management are applicable on a wider scale of businesses.



RE: An engineer wants an MBA
11/4/2014 3:35 PM

Hi and thanks for your inquiry.

There are many options and all of them have their pros and cons. For a high-level summary of the three most common options, part-time can be very attractive if you don't want to leave your company, full-time can be preferable if you are looking for a career change and EMBA may be the best option if you are further along in your career.

Don't hesitate to call us to discuss your candidacy in more detail!

Best regards,

David Petersam

RE: An engineer wants an MBA
11/6/2014 10:02 AM   Blake Walker
I am in fact, an engineer turned manager and to this day, my technical background and logic skills have helped me to understand complex organisational isssues and take action systematically and strategically. Not to mention, it healp greatly to have more than a general idea of what goes into the products and services that you company produces.

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